“Calculations and Palpations” is a free textbook for use by introductory Biological Anthropology Laboratory professors and students in all non-commercial contexts.

Good news! All academic content is written (phew!). Not-so-good news— tons of editing work remains, and Lauren Taylor-Hill is chipping away as time permits.

“Calculations and Palpations” is unique among existing available Bio Anth Lab OER texts. “C&P” stands out in that it offers original comprehensive laboratory exercises (and linked topical OER background readings) on the appendicular and axial skeleton geared specifically toward the introductory Bio Anth Lab student. Unit 2: Human Osteology will be published on this website by 31 December 2024 so that faculty and students may begin using it in Spring 2025. Eager to get a preview of the exercises? Click on the link to the right!

Unit 1: Introduction to Biological Anthropology, Unit 3: The Primates, and Unit 4: Human Evolution will be made available soon. (Ideally all in 2025…but updates will be posted here as they become clarified).

Get in touch! Email Lauren at CalculationsAndPalpations (at) g mail (dot) c om with comments / constructive feedback.